If there’s one ingredient that transforms a decent dinner into a magnificent meal, it’s the conversation. Our expert foodies have been to enough dinner parties to tell you that! While fantastic food and drink do play a crucial part in serving up a feast for your guests, it’s definitely the host that means the most to a well-done dinner.
That’s right, it’s not enough to cook up a storm with delicious dishes like these if you’ve can’t talk the talk too. Just think of all those tricky questions you’ve had to dodge in the past…
What’s the difference between jamón serrano and jamón iberico?
What on earth is a salsify?
Where do seedless grapes come from???
Let La Española help you with your dinner party
But don’t worry, folks – we’re here to help! We asked our team to come up with their favourite facts about our favourite subject…olives and olive oil! Take a look at their responses so that next time you’re hosting your own dinner party you’ll have the stats to astonish and the answers to amaze!
- “Spain is the largest producer of olive oil in the world! Many people think it would be Greece but Spain actually produces FOUR TIMES more olive oil than Greece. In fact, Spain is responsible for producing around half of the world’s olive oil!” – Itxaso Oleaga, International Marketing Manager of La Española
- “I really like the health benefits associated with olive oil. It’s something that a lot of people overlook! Olive oil is hydrating, anti-inflammatory, regenerating and has amazing antioxidant effects. Extra Virgin Olive Oil also contains hydroxytyrosol and oleuropein, which is definitely something you should look into!” – Alberto González, Digital Marketing Assitant of La Española.
- “There’s an olive branch on the moon! Well, a golden replica of an olive branch! It was left there by Apollo 11 astronaut, Neil Armstrong. Olives and olive branches have always been a symbol of hope and peace, and the olive branch replica left on the moon represents the hope for a peaceful future for all mankind.” – Naira Rodríguez, Digital Marketing Assistant of La Española.
- Feeling a little devious? Take a look at our completely FALSE history of the humble olive and see if you can sneak one of our totally untrue tales past your guests! If you are successful then come let us know on Facebook and Instagram!
- “Two of my favourite olive facts… Number one, over 250 varieties of olive grow in Spain, more than anywhere else in the world. Number two, Spanish olive oil is the best in the world! An opinion? No, I’m pretty sure that is a well-known fact!” – Lola Téllez, Visual Designer of La Española
- “You might have heard the phrase ‘Liquid gold’ used to describe olive oil, but do you know where it comes from? It was a term coined by legendary Greek author, Homer. Another ancient Greek, Hippocrates, referred to olive oil as “the great healer”. If you look at the healthy benefits that are back up by modern science then you can see that the famous physician was definitely onto something.” – Chris Bolton, Community Manager of La Española.
There you have it, a superb set of our favourite facts about olives and olive oil. Next time it’s your turn to host for dinner, make sure your bottle of La Española is taking pride of place to prompt all the questions you’re now fully equipped to answer!
Now, go forth and impress your guests with your newfound knowledge and knowhow – happy hosting