Olive oil is a key part of most healthy diets. But, sometimes we can run out of new ideas and ways of adding olive oil into our daily menu. Instead of the usual homemade salad dressings or drizzling olive oil on your meats and grilled vegetables, try something new: add olive oil to your drinks. It might sound a little unexpected, but if you try it we think you’ll like it.
Here are 4 drinks you can try adding a little olive oil to:
1) Bullet proof coffee
Keto and some Paleo diet followers like to drink a special type of coffee called Bullet Proof Coffee. Essentially this is a high fat coffee, made with coffee, grass-fed better, coconut oil and other high nutrition fats. Some people that don’t eat dairy have adapted the recipe to replace butter with a light or mild olive oil, with good results. So, if you make Bullet Proof coffee try swapping your butter or coconut oil with an equal amount of light or mild tasting olive oil.
2) Smoothies and juices
Fresh juices are super healthy as are blended fruit smoothies. To add a healthy dose of cholesterol-free high nutrition fats, put 1 tablespoon of a mild tasting olive oil into your smoothie or juice as the last ingredient added. This is an especially good way to get younger children to eat their daily dose of olive oil, as they probably won’t taste it all!
3) Cocktails
Did you know that olive oil is a secret ingredient in some cocktails? For example, some bartenders add olive oil to their gin and tonic, adding a unique twist to this classic drink for a more intense and long-lasting flavor. If you want to try this at home, try dipping the rim of your glass in olive oil and then sugaring it, then add pour your favorite cocktail into the glass. It’s amazing!
4) Hot Chocolate
If you make stove top hot chocolate with milk, cocoa, and sugar, you can add olive oil to your hot chocolate when you serve it. Warm your milk, cocoa and sugar as usual, when you pour the hot chocolate into mugs, add a teaspoon of a mild tasting olive oil to each mug. Then top the drink with some real whipped cream. This is a simple, tasty way to add olive oil to your children’s diets.
We hope these ideas inspire you to add olive oil to your diet in a new way. And, if these don’t appeal to you, never rule out just taking a shot of olive oil in the morning. Bottoms up!